Video Game Awards 2011

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Video Game Awards 2011

Beitrag von Dark_Nature »

Hey Leute,

die Video Game Awards sind vorbei, also war ja am 12.12, wie ich schonmal sagte... Hier die Gewinner:

#Game of the Year - The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim
#Studio of the Year - Bethesda Game Studios, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
#Character of the Year - The Joker, Batman: Arkharm City
#Gamer God - Blizzard Entertainment
#Hall of Fame - Shigeru Miyamoto, The Legend of Zelda
#Best Xbox 360 Game - Batman: Arkham City
#Best PS3 Game - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
#Best Wii Game - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
#Best PC Game - Portal 2
#Best Handheld/Mobile Game - Super Mario 3D Land
#Best Shooter - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
#Best Action Adventure Game - Batman: Arkham City
#Best RPG - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
#Best Multiplayer - Portal 2
#Best Individual Sports Game - Fight Night Champion
#Best Driving Game - Forza Motorsport 4
#Best Fighting Game - Mortal Kombat
#Best Motion Game - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
#Best Independent Game - Minecraft
#Best Adapated Video Game - Batman: Arkham City
#Best Song in a Game - "Setting Sail, Coming Home (End Theme)" by Darren Korb, Bastion
#Best Original Score - Bastion
#Best Graphics - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
#Best Performance by a Human Male - Stephen Merchant as Wheatley, Portal 2
#Best Performance by a Human Female - Ellen McLain as GLaDOS, Portal 2
#Best Downloadable Game - Bastion
#Best DLC - Portal 2 - Peer Review
#Most Anticipated Game - Mass Effect 3
#Trailer of the Year - Assassin's Creed: Revelations, E3 2011 Trailer

Wie ihr sehen könnte hat Skyrim und Bethesda gut abgesahnt...
Haben gleich 3 Awards eingsammelt^^

Valve mit Portal2 steht auch nicht schlecht da, 2 Awards.

Und zu erwähnen wäre noch Batman: Arkham City, haben auch 2 Awards bekommen.

Trailer of the Year, Assassins Creed Revelations? Okay der ist gut, aber ich hätte da sicher besser im angebot^^